X-eye NF120

Nano-focus X-ray



  • Non-destructive analysis system for Wafer Level Packaging

  • High resolution image with Dual Type CTs

  • TSV, Micro Bump, Pattern

Nano-focus X-ray Inspection System
Nano-focus Tube of 400 nano resolution is installed which is specialized for Semiconductor Packaging, Wafer Level Packaging(WLP) requiring detection of Sub-micron defects.
Able to trace and inspect defected area precisely by precise movement of axis with Anti-vibration table.
Tomography is available if 3D CT module is added and Wafer Bump Automatic Inspection is available from loading to inspection with wafer handler systems.


X-ray Tube 120 kV / 200 µA
Min. Resolution 0.2㎛
Table Size 12inch wafer
Detector 6 inch FPXD
CT Scan Method Oblique CT / Cone beam CT
Foot print 2,380 x 1,450 x 2,120 mm Control Box : 600 x 1,250 x 1,030 mm
Weight 7,000kg
AXIS X, Y, Z, Tilt (70º), R

Wafer Bump Void

Wafer TSV Void
