- 2023
- Extend Consulting Contract for Global Partnership Program with Korea Trade-Investment and Promotion Agency
- Microscopy Conference 2023 exhibition , Darmstadt, Germany – booth for tabletopsem
- Selected as a member company in SEMICON EU 50 Policy Group
- LOI signed for a quantum computing with “S” space technology companies
- MOU contract for battery Module Special Coating technology development with “W” Companies
- 17th Silicon Saxony Day 2023, Dresden, Germany – Exhibition Booth
- 2022
- First European Battery Inspection X ray systems installed in Mass Production Line
- Consulting Contract for Global Partnership Program with Korea Trade-Investment and Promotion Agency
- Semicon Europe 2022 in Munich, Germany – Booth and announcement
- Co Exhibition with AP systems Co.,Ltd
- 2021
- Start a Consortium for Solarcell Technology Development Project
- Semicon Europe 2021 in Munich , Germany – Booth and announcement
- Contracted 3 sets of tabletop sem systems
- Technology Development MOU contract with Korea Vacuum equipment Company “A” Group
- Total 34 tabletop systems sales performance in EU with distributors
- 2020
- Nanotech 2020 in Tokyo, Japan – Booth in Silicon Saxony pavillon
- Selected as a member company in SEMICON EU 50 Policy Group
- Selected as two SAB Goverment marketing subsidy programs
- Selected as a Kick off member company for “Pact of Skills” EU Project
- Contracted 2 Distributors in Europe (Sweden, Spain)
- Technology Development MOU contract with Korea Vacuum Equipment company “S”
- Contracted for PZT Deposition system relocation project
- Launched a Perovskite Solar Project with Solar LAB
- New Products Web launched for tabletop sem – www.tabletopsem.com
- New Products Web launched for Automated Xray – www.automatedxray.com
- Contracted 3 sets of tabletop systems in Europe
- Contracted 2 sets of Ion Coater Sputter
- Contracted 2 sets of X-ray systems in Europe
- 2019
- Registered as an LRT member
- Attended the following exhibitions: APCM Conference Austria, SMT Connect, Silicon Saxony Day, Semicon West, Semicon Europe, Semicon Japan and Koaa Show South Korea
- Opening of X-Ray DEMO Center
- Opening of Tabletop-SEM DEMO Center
- Contracted 2 sets Tabletop SEM system in Europe
- Joined as a member of Future Sachsen
- Contracted 4 Distributors in Europe (Italy, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechia, etc)
- 2018
- Designated as the SEC Co.,Ltd European head office
- Registered as a SEMI and SENSA member
- Subsidy Program for Marketing granted by the Saxony Industrial Bank
- Exhibitions: Silicon Saxony Day, CEBIT, Semicon West, Semicon Europe, Composite Europe and the Korea-Europe Startup Summit
- 2017
- Registered as a member of “Silicon Saxony” and increased capital to 100.000€
- Subsidy Program for Marketing granted by the Saxony Industrial Bank
- Contract for Components (with a Korean manufacturer)
- Attended numerous exhibitions: Finetech Japan, Automotive World Japan, Semicon Japan, Electric Vehicle & Plugin Hybrid Vehicle Exhibition and LED & OLED Expo South Korea
- Contract for AMS semiconductor sputter system maintenance project
- 2016
- Founded and established company as a GmbH in Dresden, Germany -> Nanotech Digital GmbH
- Registered domain: nanotechdigitalgmbh.com
- Presentations at several important Exhibitions: Finetech Japan, Italy Geneva Graphene Forum, Graphene Flagship Graphene Week Warsaw, Intersolar Munich, Auto mechanical Frankfurt and Graphene China
- Shanghai FPD Exhibition Workshop Presentation
- Office and R&D Space Establishment
- Register Business and Trading License in Dresden City
- Agent Contract with “Z” Corporation for Material and equipment
- R&D Joint Development LOI with “F” Institute in Germany
- Selected as a Company for Sachsen industrial Bank Project
- Registered as EU Union project Funding Corporation
- Selected as an Innovation Company in Semicon Europe 2016 , France
- 2011
- JH Technology was established – We have been working in Semiconductor and Display Industries since 2011