
futureSAX is an initiative of The Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport. We provide the Ecosystem for innovation and growth in the Saxony region of Germany. We make sure that innovators will meet the right people at the right time to scale their business.

- Semiconductors – Device Manufacturers, Equipment, Material and others
- Flexible, Hybrid and Printed Electronics
- Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
- Sensors
- High-Brightness LED
- Photovoltaics (PV)
- Flat Panel Display (FPD)
- Related micro- and nano-electronics

Silicon Saxony is one of Europe‘s most successful trade association for the semiconductor, electronic, microsystems and software industries. The number of members has risen to more than 330 at present.

SenSa is the sensor technology innovation cluster of Saxony. With the help of networking and transparency creates a great potential for cooperation among the actors and a common orientation of R & D activities. The development and launch of new sensor concepts under inclusion of industrial research sensory systems of R & D facilities in the foreground. Cooperation is pre-competitive at the technology level, takes place the differentiated product development based on the joint research results by the company. Through the innovation cluster, the issues are considered sectoral and cross-technology.

BG ETEM is a commercial professional association in Germany
Branches of BG ETEM
– Gas, district heating and water supply companies as well as sewage disposal
– Companies for electrotechnical, fine mechanical and ophthalmic products
– Measurement, information and medical technology
– Aerospace Engineering
– Electric installation companies
– etc.

IHK is the largest representative of the regional economy in the district of Dresden with around 96,000 member companies from the sectors industry, commerce, services, transport, construction, hotels and gastronomy.